



Post Code: 615-8510
Department of Electronic Science and Engineering,
Kyoto University,
Katsura, Nishikyo-ku,
Kyoto, Japan



Room 223,
Building A1,
Katsura Campus,
Kyoto University

Access to Katsura Campus

Last update: 3 April, 2024. 


    News  [List

  • 2024. 10.3
  • Yuu Maruyama, a 1st-year doctoral student, has safely returned to Japan after completing a five-month study abroad program at the University of Delaware in the United States!
  • 2024. 9.27
  • M. Komoike and M. Yamamoto (both 2nd-year master students) are adopted to JSPS special researchers (DC1).
    Congratulations, Mr. Komoike, Mr. Yamamoto!
  • 2024. 9.24
  • An article authored by K. Tatsuoka (2nd-year Master student) et al. has been published in Physical Review B.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2024. 9.17
  • U. Nagata(1st year master student) recieved the English Presentation Award in the 71st JSAP conference!
    Congratulations, Ms. Nagata!
  • 2024. 8.19
  • An article authored by K. Tatsuoka (2nd-year Master student) et al. is accepted in Physical Review B.
    "Investigation of spin-orbit torque efficiency in CuBi alloys" K. Tatsuoka, M. Aoki, M. Funato, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
    Congratulations, Mr. Tatsuoka!
  • 2024. 8.15
  • M. Aoki, doctoral course graduate in 2023 (Researcher at ICN2 in Spain in present) recieved the Magnetics Societies of Japan Distinguished Paper Award!
    "Evaluation of Spin Hall Effect in Ferromagnets by Means of Unidirectional Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Ta/Co Bilayers" M. Aoki, R. Ohshima, T. Shinjo, M. Shiraishi, and Y. Ando
    Congratulations, Mr. Aoki!
  • 2024. 7.8
  • Y. Maruyama(1st year Doctor student) recieved the Mazume Researcher Award!
    Congratulations, Mr. Maruyama!
    Click here for the article.
  • 2024. 5.31
  • Utane Nagata (1st-year Master student) won "Poster Award" at The 1st JSAP (Kansai chapter) conference in 2024 (2024.05.31 Fri.). Congratulations, Ms. Nagata!
  • 2024. 5.2
  • Mr. Maruyama, 1st-year doctral course student, have departed for a three months abroad study project at University of Delaware (Delaware, Dr. Benjamin Jungfleisch Gp.)
    Hope you will enjoy your reasearch and life abroad and make it a meaningful experience!!
  • 2024. 4.3
  • At the end of March, associate professor Mr. Ando, doctroal graduate Mr. Nishijima, doctoral course Mr. Mae, master graduates Mr. Inoue, Mr. Uno, Mr. Kawa, and Mr. Yasui left our laboratory. We look forward to their success in their new locations.
    In addition, five fourth-year bachelor students joined our group, starting the fifteenth year of our laboratory.
  • 2024. 3.29
  • It was the last day of Ando sensei in Shiraishi lab. today. Thank you for everything!!
  • 2024. 2.21
  • There was a farewell party last tonight!
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  • 2024. 2.21
  • An article authored by M. Yamamoto (1st-year Master student) et al. has been published in Applied Physics Letters.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2024. 2.1
  • An article authored by M. Yamamoto (1st-year Master student) et al. is accepted in Applied Physics Letters.
    "A circular photogalvanic effect in two-dimensional electron gas on the surface of SrTiO3" M. Yamamoto, T. Nishijima, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
  • 2024. 1.24
  • An article authored by S. Yoshii (2nd-year Doctor student, JSPS DC1) et al. has been published in Physical Review B.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2024. 1.18
  • M. Aoki(JSPS PD) was awarded the Student Presentation Award (Sakurai Presentation Award) for his presentation at the 47th Magnetic Society of Japan Academic Lecture Meeting held last September. Congratulations, Dr. Aoki!
  • 2024. 1.10
  • An article authored by S. Yoshii (2nd-year Doctor student, JSPS DC1) et al. is accepted in Physical Review B.
    "Significant modulation of Gilbert damping in ultrathin ferromagnetic films by altering the surface magnetic anisotropy" S. Yoshii, M. Müller, H. Inoue, R. Ohshima, M. Althammer, Y. Ando, H. Huebl, and M. Shiraishi
    This reaserach is a collaborative reserach with the group of PhD. H. Huebl in Walther Meissner Institut (Munich, Germany). And This research is the 4th collaboration with the group of PhD. H. Huebl.
  • 2023. 12.25
  • An article authored by H. Inoue (2nd-year Master student) et al. has been published in Physical Review B.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2023. 12.19
  • Shiraishi Lab won the first place in the inter-laboratory baseball tournament in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering!
  • 2023. 12.6
  • Yuu Maruyama (2nd-year Master student) won "Best Poster Award" at Nanofunctional engineering young researchers exchange meeting (2023.12.06 Wed.). Congratulations!!
    He was given an Amazon Alexa as a prize.
  • maruyama_bestposter.jpg
  • 2023. 11.29
  • An article authored by H. Inoue (2nd-year Master student) et al. is accepted in Physical Review B.
    "Precise estimation of spin drift velocity and spin mobility in the absence of synthetic Rashba spin-orbit field in a Si metal-oxide-semiconductor" H. Inoue, H. Koike, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
    This reserch is a collaborative reserch with TDK Corporation.
  • 2023. 10.28
  • Dr. Hans Huebl and doctoral student Patricia Oehrl from the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities visited our laboratory and gave a seminar.
  • 2023. 10.16
  • Assistant Professor Koichi Oyanagi of Iwate University and Dr. Jack C. Gartside of Imperial College London visited our laboratory and gave a seminar.
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  • 2023. 10.2
  • Dr. Motomi Aoki has been assigned as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • 2023. 9.25
  • Motomi Aoki, a second-year doctoral student (JSPS DC1), received his Ph.D. degree (shortend by one year and a half). At today's degree conferment ceremony, President Minato presented a diploma to him as a representative of the students in the Kyoto University WISE Program.
    He continues his study in our group as a JSPS PD reseacher.
  • 2023. 7.21
  • The article authored by M. Aoki et al. has been published in Nano Letters!
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2023. 7.12
  •  Breaking News !!
    An article by M. Aoki (2nd-year Doctor student, JSPS DC1) et al. has been accepted in Nano Letters! (I.F.=10.8)
    "Giant anisotropy of self-induced spin-orbit torque in Weyl ferromagnet Co2MnGa"
    M. Aoki, Y. Yin, S. Granville, Y. Zahng, N. Medhekar, L. Leiva, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
    This work on the discovery and origin of self-induced spin torque anisotropy in the Weyl ferromagnet Co2MnGa is a collaborative research with groups in Victoria Univ. of Wellington(NZ) and Monash Univ.(Australia)
    Details of this research will be announced in a press release from Kyoto University.
  • 2023. 4.4
  • T. Nishijima (2nd-year PhD. sutudent, JSPS DC1) was selected and commended as the best presenter at the 2022 Advanced Optical and Electronic Device Creation Science Outstanding Graduate Research Grant Achievement Report Meeting. Congratulations Mr. Nishijima!
  • 2023. 4.4
  • At the end of March, master graduatees Mr. Imamura, Mr. Onishi, Ms. Shimizu, and Mr. Fukumoto left our laboratory for graduation. We look forward to their success in their new locations.
    In addition, one first-year master course student and five fourth-year bachelor students joined our group, starting the fourteenth year of our laboratory.
  • 2023. 3.27
  • Prof. Kai Liu of Georgetown University visited our laboratory and gave a seminar.
  • 2023. 3.24
  • The article authored by N. Fukumoto and Assistant Prof. Ohshima et al. has been published in PNAS[I.F.=12.8]!
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2023. 3.2
  • The article authored by T. Nishijima et al. has been published in Nano Letters!
    Click here for the journal page.
    A press release was issued through the Department of International Public Relations, Kyoto University.
    News in Kyoto unviersity HP
    It was also featured on OPTRONICS.
  • 2023. 3.1
  • Ms. Tobimatsu, who has been a technical assistant, has retired.
    Thank you very much for your support!
  • 2023. 3.1
  • The article authored by Y. Maruyama (1st-year Master student) et al. has been published in Applied Physics Express.
    Click here for the journal page
  • 2023. 2.22
  •  Breaking News 2!!
    An article by N. Fukumoto (2nd-year Master sutudent) and R. Ohshima (Assistant Professor) et al. has been accepted in Proceeding of National Academy of Science (PNAS)[I.F.=12.8]
    "Observation of large spin conversion anisotropy in bismuth"
    N. Fukumoto*, R. Ohshima*, M. Aoki, Y. Fuseya, M. Matsushima, E. Shigematsu, T. Shinjo, Y. Ando, S. Sakamoto, M. Shiga, S. Miwa and M. Shiraishi *Equal contribution
    This is a collaborative research with the group of Professor Shinji Miwa in Tokyo University, and the group of Professor Yuuki Fuseya in The University of Electro-Communications.
    Details of this research will be announced in a press release from Kyoto University.

  • 2023. 2.17
  •  Breaking News !!
    An article by T. Nishijima (2nd-year PhD. sutudent, JSPS DC1) et al. has been accepted in Nano Letters! (I.F.=11.2)
    "Ferroic Berry curvature dipole in a topological crystalline insulator at room temperature"
    T. Nishijima, T. Watanabe, H. Sekiguchi, Y. Ando, E. Shigematsu, R. Ohshima, S. Kuroda and M. Shiraishi
    Details of this research will be announced in a press release from Kyoto University.
    This is a collaborative research with Prof. Shinji Kuroda of Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba.

  • 2023. 2.14
  • An article by Y. Maruyama (1st-year Master student) et al. has been accepted in Applied Physics Express.
    "Modulation of Hanle magnetoresistance in an ultrathin platinum film by ionic gating"
    Y. Maruyama, R. Ohshima, E. Shigematsu, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
  • 2023. 1.12
  • Ms. Mikage, who has been our Administrative Assistant, has retired.
    Thank you very much for your support for the past four years!
  • 2023. 1.4
  • Ms. Yuki Tsukamoto has been appointed as Administrative Assistant!
  • 2022

  • 2022. 12.12
  • Shiraishi Lab won second place in the inter-laboratory baseball tournament in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering!
    As a complimentary prize, we were awarded the right to manage next year's baseball tournament!
  • 2022. 11.18
  • The articles authored by S. Yoshii and M. Aoki (both are 1st-year Doctor sutudents, JSPS DC1) have been published in Physical Review B.
    Yoshii's paper
    Aoki's paper
  • 2022. 11.3
  • An article authored by S. Yoshii (1st-year Doctor student, JSPS DC1) et al. is accepted in Physical Review B.
    "Significant suppression of two-magnon scattering in ultrathin Co by controlling the surface magnetic anisotropy at the Co/nonmagnet interfaces"
    S. Yoshii, K. Kato, E. Shigematsu, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, K. Usami and M. Shiraishi

    This is a collaborative research with Prof. Koji Usami of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Tchnology, the University of Tokyo.
  • 2022. 10.19
  • The article authored by K. Ohnishi (2nd-year Master student) is published in Advanced Electronic Materials.
    Click here for the journal page
    A press release was issued through the Department of International Public Relations, Kyoto University.
    News in Kyoto unviersity HP
    It was also featured on Mynavi news.
    Mynavi news
  • 2022. 10.13
  • The article authored by Assistant Prof. N. Yamashita at Kyusyu university (Ph.D recieved in our lab last year) is published in Review Materials.
    Click here for the journal page
    This paper has been introduced in Research Highlight!
    "A Ferromagnet That Easily Sheds Spins"
  • 2022. 10.3
  • Dr. Inge Groen and Dr. Francesco Calavalle have joined our group as postdoctoral researchers!
  • 2022. 10.1
  • Assistant Professor Ei Shigematsu has retired and moved to a new position as an R&D engineer at a semiconductor company. We wish you continued success, Dr. Shigematsu!!
  • 2021. 9.28
  • S. Mae has been accepted as a JSPS special researcher (DC1).
    Congratulations, Mr. Mae!
    We have never failed to qualify the JSPS special researcher (11 times) so far!
  • 2022. 9.27
  • The article authored by K. Ohnishi (2nd-year Master student) et al. is accepted in Advanced Electronic Materials (I.F.=7.3).
    "All-electric spin device operation using the Weyl semimetal, WTe2, at room temperature" K. Ohnishi, M. Aoki, R. Ohshima, E. Shigematsu, Y. Ando, T. Takenobu and M. Shiraishi

    In this study, we focused on structural symmetry breaking in Weyl semimetal, a family of topological quantum materials, and succeed in generating spin-polarized currents from spin-unpolarized normal currents and observing it at room temperature.
    This is collaborative research with Prof. Taishi Takenobu of the Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University.
    The details of this research will be announced in a press release from Kyoto University.
  • 2022. 9.16
  • Mr. Aoki and Mr. Yoshii, 1st-year doctral course students and DC1 fellows, have departed for a three months abroad study project.
    Mr. Aoki:Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Barcelona, Prof. S. Valenzuela Gp.)
    Mr. Yoshii:Walther Meißner Institut (München, Dr. H. Huebl Gp.)
    Hope you will enjoy your reasearch and life abroad and make it a meaningful experience!!
  • 2022. 9.7
  • An article authored by Assistant Prof. N. Yamashita at Kyusyu university (Ph.D recieved in our lab last year), Associate Prof. Y. Ando et al. is accepted in Physical Review Materials.
    "Realization of efficient tuning of the Fermi level in iron-based ferrimagnetic alloys" N. Yamashita, E. Shigematsu, S. Honda, R. Ohshima, M. Shiraishi and Y. Ando
    This reserch is collaborative with Professor S. Honda in Kansai University.
  • 2022. 9.7
  • Prof. Shiraishi received the 2022 MSJ Achievement Award from the Magnetic Society of Japan and was appointed as a fellow of the society.
    Title of awarded research: Pioneering research on spintronics function creation in non-metallic materials and its external field control
  • 2022. 8.24
  • The research project "Semiconductor Spincurrentoronics" conducted in FY2015-2022 (FY2022 research term was extended by one year due to the corona disaster), has been completed and the results of the verification have been announced.
    As with the mid-term evaluation, we received an "A+" rating, the highest grade.
    We would like to thank all of our collaborators and laboratory members for their support in promoting this project.
  • 2022. 7.19
  • A commentary article by prof. Shiraishi appears in the July issue of the Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Physics.
    Click here for the artile page. (Japanese)
    It is about the creation and control of synthetic Rashba fields in silicon.
  • 2022. 6.30
  • The article authored by Assistant Prof. E. Shigematsu et al. is published in J. Appl. Phys.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2022. 6.16
  • The article authored by Dr. L. Leiva (Postdoctoral researcher until the end of March) et al. is published in Phy. Rev. Materials. This article was selected for an Editor's Suggestion, and its teaser is posted on the PRMaterial HP!
    Click here for the journal page.
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.064201
  • 2022. 6.6
  • An article authored by Assistant Prof. E. Shigematsu et al. is accepted in J. Appl. Phys.
    "Full calculation of inter-conversion between charge, spin, and heat current using a common partial differential equation platform"
    E. Shigematsu, E. Tamura, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
  • 2022. 5.24
  • M. Aoki (1st-year Doctor student, JSPS DC1) was decided to recieve the Mazume Researcher Award! Congratulations, Mr. Aoki! He will use the prize to conduct research at ICN2 (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) in Barcelona as an overseas researcher.
  • 2022. 5.16
  • An article authored by Dr. L. Leiva (Postdoctoral researcher until the end of March) et al. is accepted in Phy. Rev. Materials.
    "Efficient room temperature magnetization direction detection by means of the enhanced anomalous Nernst effect in a Weyl ferromagnet"
    L. Leiva, S. Granville, Y. Zhang, S. Dushenko, E. Shigematsu, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
    This reserch is a collaborative reserch with a research group in Victoria Univ. Wellington(NZ).
  • 2022. 4.8
  • The article authored by M. Aoki (1st-year Doctor student, JSPS DC1) et al. is published in Phys. Rev. B.
    Click here for the journal page.
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144407
  • 2022. 4.1
  • Dr. Leiva (to return to Argentina), graduatees Dr. Matsushima and Mr. Minato left our laboratory. We look forward to their successes in their new positions.
    Also, as of April 1, one first-year master's student, and five new fourth-year students have joined our group.
  • 2022. 3.22
  • M. Aoki (2nd-year master student) recieved the Young Scientist Presentation Award of JSPS!
    The award ceremony and commemorative speech were held at the JSPS Spring Meeting.
  • 2022. 3.15
  • The article authored by S. Mae and R. Ohshima (Assistant Professor) et al. is published in Physical Review B.
    Click here for the journal page.
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104415
  • 2022. 3.3
  • An article authoured by S. Mae (2nd-year Master student) and R. Ohshima (Assistant Professor) et al. is accepted in Physical Review B.
    Congratulations, Mr. Mae!
    "Influence of adjacent metal films on magnon propagation in Y3Fe5O12"
    S. Mae, R. Ohshima, E. Shigematsu, Y. Ando, T. Shinjo and M. Shiraishi
  • 2022. 1.5
  • The article authored by Dr. S. Gupta (former program-specific assistant professor) et al. is published in Applied Physics Letters.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2021

  • 2021. 12.23
  • The article authored by Dr. S. Gupta (program-specific assistant professor until the end of March, currently a researcher at the University of Leeds, UK) et al. is accepted in Applied Physics Letters. This paper is selected as a Featured Article.
    "Electrical transport properties of atomically thin WSe2 using perpendicular magnetic anisotropy metal contacts"
    S. Gupta, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, T. Endo, Y. Miyata and M. Shiraishi
    This reserch is a collaborative reserch with research group of associate professor Yasumitsu Miyata in Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan Univeristy.
  • 2021. 11.3
  • M. Aoki (2nd-year master student) was decided to recieve the Young Scientist Presentation Award for his talk on the 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021! Congratulations, Mr. Aoki!
    The award ceremony and commemorative speech are scheduled to be held at the JSAP Meeting in March 2022.
  • 2021. 11.8
  • The article authored by R. Ohshima (Assistant Professor) and Y. Kohsaka et al. is published in Scientific Reports.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2021. 10.27
  • An article authoured by R. Ohshima (Assistant Professor) and Y. Kohsaka (Bachelor in 2019) et al. is accepted in Scientific Reports.
    "Modulation of spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance with a nanometer-thick platinum by ionic gating"
    R. Ohshima#, Y. Kohsaka#, Y. Ando, T. Shinjo and M. Shiraishi (#equally contributed)
    This paper proves the existence of an inverse effect (control of the direct spin-Hall effect) to our discovery of the control of the inverse spin Hall effect by applying a strong gate electric field to Pt ultra thin film.
  • 2021. 9.28
  • M. Aoki and S. Yoshii have made an official decision to the JSPS special researcher (DC1).
    Congratulations, Mr. Aoki and Mr. Yoshii!
    We have never failed to qualify the JSPS special researcher (10 times) so far!
  • 2021. 9.24
  • Livio Leiva, a third-year doctoral student (Goverment Scholarship), received his Ph.D. degree. Congratulations Dr. Leiva! He continues his study on the Weyl ferromagnet as a doctoral reseracher in our group.
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  • 2021. 9.3
  • Our study published in Nature materials has been introduced by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) on their overseas website.
    Click here for the JST page.
  • 2021. 9.1
  • The article authored by M. Aoki (2nd-year Master student) et al. is published in Phys. Rev. B.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2021. 8.26
  • The article authored by . Lee (Currently a researcher at DGIST, Korea) et al. is published in Nature Material (September 2021).
    Click here for the journal page.
    Also, our results have been introduced in News & Views.
    ("Silicon goes heavyweight", written by Prof. C. Marrows [Leeds University, UK])
    Furthermore, a cover image of our work has been adopted for the cover of the Nature Materials (September 2021).
    Click here for Nature Materials (September 2021).
  • 2021. 8.25
  • The article authored by K. Ohnishi (1st-year Master student) et al. is published in Applied Physics Express.
    Click here for the journal page.
  • 2021. 8.17
  • The article authored by M. Aoki (2nd-year Master student) et al. is accepted in Physical Review B.
    "Coexistence of low-frequency spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance and unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance"
    M. Aoki, E. Shigematsu, R. Ohshima, T. Shinjo, M. Shiraishi and Y. Ando
  • 2021. 8.11
  • The article authored by K. Ohnishi (1st-year Master student) et al., is accepted in Applied Physics Express.
    Congratulations, Mr. Ohnishi!
    "Observation of a superconducting state of a topological superconductor candidate FeTe0.6Se0.4 equipping ferromagnetic electrodes with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy"
    K. Ohnishi, S. Gupta, S. Kasahara, Y. Kasahara, Y. Matsuda, E. Shigematsu, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, M. Shiraishi

    This study is an important first step toward the measurement of spin polarization in the topological superconductor candidate material, FeTeSe.
    This is a collaborative reserch with the group of Professor Matsuda in graduate school of science.
  • 2021. 8.2
  • Naoto Yamashita, a second-year doctoral student (JSPS DC1), received his Ph.D. degree on July 26 (shortened by one year and two months). Also, He has joined the Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University as an Assistant Professor as of August 1. Congratulations Dr. Yamashita!
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  • 2021. 7.1
  • Dr. Lee has left our group and joined Prof. C-Y You's group at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) in Korea. Best wishes for your continued success!
  • 2021. 6.22
  • L. Leiva (3rd-year phD. student, Goverment Scholarship), T. Nishijima (1st-year phD. student, JSPS DC1) and M. Aoki (2nd-year master student) won the English Lecture Award of the 67th JSAP Spring Meeting 2021! Congratulations, Mr. Leiva, Mr. Nishijima and Mr. Aoki!
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  • 2021. 6.4
  •  Breaking News !!
    The article authored by . Lee (PhD. studetnt) et al. is published in Nature Material!
    "Synthetic Rashba spin-orbit system using a silicon metal-oxide semiconductor"
    S. Lee, H. Koike, M. Goto, S. Miwa, Y. Suzuki, N. Yamashita, R. Ohshima, E. Shigematsu, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
    The detail is shown here.
    This achievement is a ground breaking discovery and demonstration that an emergent magnetic field can be induced by the application of a strong gate electric field in n-type Si, where the spin-orbit interaction is usually negligible, by focusing on the interfacial Rashba effect, and that the spin can be controlled without using a magnetic field.
    This reserch is a collaborative reserch with the group of Professor Suzuki in Osaka University, and TDK Corporation.

    A press release was issued through the Department of International Public Relations, Kyoto University.
    News in Kyoto unviersity HP
    It was also featured on the following website.
    Mynavi news
  • 2021. 5.28
  • First year master student Sotaro Mae, has been selected to receive the Yoshida Graduation Research and Thesis Award! Congratulations, Mr. Mae!
  • 2021. 5.21
  • The article authored by N. Yamashita (2nd-year phD. student, JSPS DC1) et al. is published in Scientific Reports.
    The detail is shown here
  • 2021. 5.6
  • The article authored by N. Yamashita (2nd-year phD. student, JSPS DC1) et al. is accepted in Scientific Reports.
    "Investigation of the thermal tolerance of silicon-based lateral spin valves"
    N. Yamashita, S. Lee, R. Ohshima, E. Shigematsu, H. Koike, Y. Suzuki, S. Miwa, M. Goto, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
    This reserch is a collaborative reserch with the group of Professor Suzuki in Osaka University, and TDK Corporation.
  • 2021. 4.11
  • As our laboratory enters its 12th year, one graduate student (Shimizu) and five undergraduate research students (Inoue, Uno, Kawa, Minato and Yamamoto) have newly joined us!
    Let's enjoy physics together!
  • 2021. 3.25
  • Dr. Sachin Gupta who has been active as a doctoral reseracher for 3 years will leave Japan and move to University of Leeds. Thank you for your dedication. We hope Gupta's future success. Take care!
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  • 2021. 3.19
  • The article authored by E. Shigematsu (Program Assistant Professor) et al. is publisehd in Physical Review B.
    The detail is shown here
  • 2021. 3.3
  • The article authored by E. Shigematsu (Asisistant professor) et al. is accepted in Physical Review B.
    "Spin to charge conversion in Si/Cu/ferromagnet systems investigated by ac inductive measurements"
    E. Shigematsu, L. Liensberger, M, Weiler, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, T. Shinjo, H. Huebl and M. Shiraishi
    This reaserach is a collaborative reserach with the group of PhD. H. Huebl in Walther Meissner Institut (Munich, Germany). And This research is the third collaboration with the group of PhD. H. Huebl.
  • 2021. 2.5
  • The article authored by G. Sachin (Program-Specific Assistant Professor) et al. is publisehd in NPG Asia Materials (I.F.=8.73).
    The detail is shown here
    (2/9) we hold a press presentation in Public Relations department of Kyoto University.
    The article on Public Relations department of Kyoto University is shown here
    The article on EE Times Japan is shown here
  • 2021. 2.3
  • The article authored by M. Aoki (1st-year Master student) et al. is publisehd in AIP Advances.
    The detail is shown here
  • 2021. 1.30
  • The article authored by L. Leiva (3rd-year phD student, Goverment Scholarship) et al. is published in Physical Review B as a letter (new version of Rapid Communications).
    The detail is shown here
    In addition, we hold a press presentation in Public Relations department of Kyoto University and introduced in following articles.
    The article on Public Relations department of Kyoto University is shown here
    (2/5) The article on The Science News is shown here
  • 2021. 1.10
  • The article authored by L. Leiva (3rd-year phD student,Goverment Scholarship) et al. is accepted in Physical Review B as a Letter (new version of Rapid Communications).
    "Giant spin Hall angle in the Heusler alloy Weyl ferromagnet Co2MnGa"
    L. Leiva, S. Granville, Y. Zhang, S. Dushenko, E. Shigematsu, T. Shinjo, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando and M. Shiraishi
    This paper is a study on observation of the world record of spin conversion efficiency in Weyl ferromagetic material which is attracting great attention as novel topological material and it is currently being enthusiastically discussed in the field of the physics. The detail will be presented soon.
    This reaserach is a collaborative reserach with the group of PhD. Simon Granville in the Victoria University of Wellington (NZ).


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